And That's a Wrap: How Companies Used Lightcast Talent Intelligence in 2023

Published on Dec 19, 2023

Written by Curtis Fowle

Year in Review

As 2023 comes to a close, we’re reflecting on how Lightcast’s talent intelligence has empowered organizations with strategic insights and delivered clarity to their critical workforce decisions. 

Our solutions provide the ability to tap into the world’s largest repository of labor market data and run instant reports, making billions of data points make sense to our users on a daily basis. There are many reports available in Talent Analyst, but a few stood out this year:

  1. Job Posting Competition

  2. Occupation Snapshot

  3. Compensation Analysis

Let’s dive in.

Interact with the chart below and explore the variety of reports our clients leveraged this year:

Job Posting Competition

To build the most effective talent attraction and retention strategy, organizations have increasingly relied on competitive intelligence to drive their strategic decisions. The Job Posting Competition report enables users to investigate the recruiting activity of their competitors, answering the big question: What is the competitive landscape like for the talent I need?

Use Job Posting Competition to: 

  • Pinpoint prime locations for talent acquisition based on competitors’ posting patterns

  • Identify key skills by observing competitor demand

  • Determine optimal compensation for attracting talent by analyzing advertised wages

  • Predict attrition rates by leveraging job postings data

  • And more… 

In the report, users can access top job titles, occupations, and skills that other companies are posting for, along with identify hiring trends emerging in the market. What are the salary trends that will support a competitive recruitment strategy? Are key roles increasingly being offered as remote opportunities? What are emerging and disruptive skills demanded in the market? Regularly updated, this report allows organizations to see real-time posting trends as well as trends over time for a responsive and informed strategy. 

competitive analysis
Software Developers in Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA

Occupation Snapshot

Organizations need an understanding of market conditions for their roles to attract, engage, and develop talent. The Occupation Snapshot report allows just that—answering the question: What’s the market like for my specific role?

Use Occupation Snapshot to: 

  • Enable recruiters to effectively communicate and set expectations with hiring managers

  • Qualify decision-making with detailed reporting on any role in any market 

  • Streamline recruitment efforts by identifying talent hotspots and skill concentrations

  • Support strategic workforce planning with insights on skills, talent distribution, and graduate sources

  • And more… 

Take a deep-dive into any occupation to analyze supply, demand, compensation, and demographics data and compare these key metrics to national benchmarks. The report is presented in a concise format that allows for immediate sharing and consumption of key talent insights. For more detail and in-depth research, Occupation Snapshot offers related links to additional reports and advanced searches that layer in skills and keywords. 

competitor demand

Compensation Analysis

Talent leaders need visibility into compensation trends to remain competitive in their talent acquisition and talent management strategies. Compensation Analysis answers the question: What do I need to pay to attract and retain top talent for my organization? 

Use Compensation Analysis to: 

  • Tailor compensation strategy by understanding the cost of talent in any given market

  • Fine-tune pay structures by benchmarking salaries to markets and top competitors

  • Create a targeted recruitment strategy that connects salary to skill sets 

  • And more…

This report provides visibility for organizations to better understand what their competition is paying to acquire specific skill sets, and what they need to continually pay in-house talent so they don’t lose them to the competition.  

compensation analysis

The diversity in job title searches shows the comprehensiveness and flexibility of our solutions.

From Cybersecurity Analysts to Forklift Operators, we cover the full spectrum of industries and their occupations. The breadth and depth of our data is represented in the types of searches users performed this year—regardless of the specific role, Lightcast provides actionable insights.

Engage with this interactive chart to see some of our clients' top searched job titles in 2023:

As we wrap up 2023, Lightcast has played a significant role in empowering organizations with accessible and valuable talent intelligence

Our solutions have answered critical questions and guided effective talent strategies. This year, Lightcast’s versatility was apparent, serving clients from industries across the spectrum and locations around the world. Looking ahead to next year, we’re excited to expand our tools with even more global coverage, skills insights, and AI capabilities.

Illuminate your 2024 talent strategy with Lightcast—The Global Standard for Talent Intelligence.