Strategic Advantage UK launch event schedule

Published on Oct 2, 2008

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

image of Lightcast gradiant

EMSI and its UK partners have set the schedule for the November 11 launch event and seminar. At this event, FE leaders will discuss ways that colleges can use economic and labour market analysis to build support, increase efficiency, and engage employers. For details, please read the original announcement.

Event Date and Location:

13th November 2008, 10am – 1pm
The Institute of Directors
116 Pall Mall

Coffee and Registration

Keynote Address
John Hayes MP, Shadow Minister for Vocational Education

The Socioeconomic Impact study and how it is being used
Kjell Christophersen, Co-founder and Senior Economist, EMSI

11:00 – 11:30
Being responsive to the needs of local employers and accountable to the good of the public
Ioan Morgan, Principal, Warwickshire College

11:30 – 12:45
Meeting the Needs of Employers
Discussion of how colleges use local labor market analysis to engage employers and place workers and a demonstration of EMSI’s new UK version of Strategic Advantage
Andrew Crapuchettes, CEO, EMSI

12:45 – 1:00
Q & A


To book:

Download this invitation or contact Protocol National.