Minnesota, Oklahoma announce integrated workforce development strategies

Published on Oct 5, 2007

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

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Minnesota is taking an ambitious, integrated approach to solving future workforce shortages:

St. Paul – To ensure that state government is able to successfully carry out its mission now and in the future, Governor Tim Pawlenty today signed an executive order that requires all state agencies to conduct workforce planning to deal with potential labor shortages. The number of state employees retiring annually has increased by 32 percent over the last five years. . . .

The Governor’s executive order requires all executive branch agencies to work with the Department of Employee Relations (DOER) to develop and implement workforce plans. DOER will assist agencies in creating their plans while coordinating an exchange of information between agencies to share resources and to address future work shortages and technology issues.

Link to press release.

Meanwhile, Oklahoma has also announced its goals for developing workforce development partnerships that include education and economic development perspectives. Like Minnesota, it’s looking ahead at demographic trends that reveal a looming labor supply crunch.

Oct. 3, 2007 — The Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development approved a broad set of goals this week aimed at creating a full pipeline of skilled workers to meet the current and future demands of Oklahoma businesses.

Dubbed “Grow Oklahoma,” the approved initiatives are as follows:

Growing talent, skills and knowledge;Growing and delivering solutions for talent recruitment and retention;Growing awareness and success of the effort to align workforce, education and economic development.

Read the full release.