Allen Smith
OneSpartanburg, Inc.
Allen Smith was born and raised in Greenville, NC. Upon graduating from East Carolina University, he was appointed to serve as Town Clerk for the Town of Bethel. His career then took him to the Greenville (NC) Chamber of Commerce and subsequently the Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce.
In 2014, Smith was named the President/CEO of the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce. In 2020, under Smith’s leadership, the county’s chamber, economic development, and tourism organizations all agreed to unite under one umbrella organization – OneSpartanburg, Inc. In 2021, OneSpartanburg, Inc. was named the US Chamber of the Year.
Over the past two years, the organization and its many community partners have recruited $5.1 billion in new investment, and 5,787 new jobs through 80 new projects. That’s $6.9M in new investment and 7.9 new jobs every single day for two years and number one in South Carolina two years straight.
Currently, the organization and its partners are focused on implementing the community’s economic development strategy known as OneSpartanburg Vision Plan 2.0. The 2022-2026, $17M plan is predicated on data and the feedback of 2,800 residents. Built on the foundations of talent, place, and the economy, the community is united around the implementation of 15 recommendations.
Given Spartanburg’s recent accolades, not only in business, economic and tourism development, but also in education, healthcare and culture, Smith and his wife, Jenni, are honored to raise their daughters, Eloise (6) and Mary Barrett (3), in such a dynamic and thriving community.

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