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Global Leaders in Labour Market Analytics in Europe

Lightcast Labor Market Data and Analytics Tools

If you'd like to speak to a Lightcast representative in your own language, our team includes speakers of French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Your Mission + Our Insight

Making decisions relating to your local economy is hard if you don't have confidence in the insight you’re basing those decisions on. Our aim is to give you both certainty and peace of mind that the decisions your organisation takes to fulfil your mission are based on the best and most appropriately detailed local labour market insight available.

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Aqu Catalunya
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Aqu Catalunya

Data and Insight That Drives Decisions

We’re not interested in just being another data provider. What we want is to offer you the kind of insight that will genuinely help your organisation better understand your local labour market, so that you can make both strategic and tactical decisions that will make a huge difference to the lives of the people your organisation affects.

To find out more about what makes our insight special, how we deliver it, and how it can help your organisation, get in touch.

What Makes us Uniquely Placed to Help Your Organisation?

By joining the hundreds of organisations across Europe and globally who have turned to us for help in solving their labour market challenges, you’ll benefit from our expertise in three key areas, which together form a package we are confident no other labour market data company can offer you:

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Our Data

With over two decades experience developing and enriching both structural Labour Market Insight and Job Posting Analytics, we are confident we can offer you a dataset describing local, regional and national labour markets that is unparalleled in its breadth and depth.

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Our Products

Whilst our data is the engine of all we do, we deliver it in a variety of ways according to needs and budgets, including a variety of intuitive software platforms, direct data access through APIs and Snowflake, as well as consulting reports answering more complex labour market queries.

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Our Service

Along with the quality of our data and our products, we are passionate about giving you the best possible customer service, which we offer by employing a team of sector experts to onboard, train and support you and help you get maximum value from your investment with us.


How Do We Deliver Our Labour Market Insight to You?

Our data is delivered in a variety of ways to suit differing needs and budgets. These are:

software platform
Software Platforms

Our dashboards give you instant access to key insights on the labour market realities in your region and beyond, including occupation trends, industry mix, job growth, salary expectations, and in-demand skills.

APIs and Snowflake

Our data can also be accessed through APIs and Snowflake, giving you complete flexibility to integrate it throughout your organisation, including incorporating it into your Business Intelligence tools and CRMs.

Applied Research
Applied Research

For more complex labour market queries, we offer applied research solutions, tailored to your needs, which draw on our expert economists and data analysts to answer specific questions you seek answers to.

Here To Help.

Whether you’re ready to go or wondering how to start, our team of data experts can help you take the next step. With world-class customer service and over two decades of expertise, we’re committed to helping you make better, faster decisions—driven by data. Use the link below to get in touch with us to talk about your challenges, our potential solutions, and even access a product demo.

By partnering with us you will...

Be able to make business decisions based on the best local insight.
Avoid making bad decisions based on a lack of good evidence.
Establish yourselves as an even more key player in your local economy.