Curriculum Insight

An interactive dashboard to help you understand supply and demand for courses in your area.
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What is Curriculum Insight?

The Ofsted Framework, Skills for Jobs and Levelling Up agenda mean that education and training providers need to be able to understand and demonstrate how well their courses are aligned to demand for jobs and skills in their local economy. To help you achieve this, we’ve developed Curriculum Insight - an interactive dashboard which brings together DfE achievements data with our Labour Market Insight and Job Posting Analytics to help you understand how your courses align to employer demand.

mock up of curriculum insight

How Can Curriculum Insight Help You?

The dashboard is designed to help you understand the following connections between course supply and demand for related jobs:

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Local economy overview

High-level overview of your local economy including its industry composition, top jobs, recruitment demend, and major employers.

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Supply & demand assessment

Evaluation of how well your provision and that of all providers in your area aligns with employers demand, including a gap analysis.

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Subject area analysis

Deep dive looking at your SSA1 courses and how they relate to local recruitment demand, jobs, industries, employers, and skills.

See Curriculum Insight For Yourself