Unique Skill ID: BGSC880B71E17C8414E5


Intradermal injection, often abbreviated ID, is a shallow or superficial injection of a substance into the dermis, which is located between the epidermis and the hypodermis. This route is relatively rare compared to injections into the subcutaneous tissue or muscle. Due to the more complex use, ID injections are not the preferred route of administration for injection and therefore used for certain therapies only, such as tuberculosis tests and allergy tests. Specific benefits are a higher immune responses for vaccinations, immunology and novel cancer treatments and faster drug uptake, since for certain small and well soluble proteins or molecules, ID route of administration is associated with fast uptake systemically compared to subcutaneous injections, applied in novel closed loop insuline infusion systems. Additionally, the body's reaction to substances is more easily visible since it is closer to the surface.

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