The “beta” or preliminary release of EMSI’s 3rd-quarter 2010 dataset was updated today and is available to Analyst users. The update incorporates more recent long-term industry projections from several states. Overall, this release represents a minor update in terms of methodology, but includes important new source data.
Please note that it is a “beta” or preliminary testing release, to be used for evaluation and feedback purposes only. We do not recommend its use for published reports, analysis, or strategic planning until it is finalized.
Reminder: NAICS 2007 Conversion
We would like to remind our users that EMSI industry data and staffing patterns are now published in NAICS 2007 codes. Please see the Q2 2010 release notes for details on the NAICS 2007 conversion. Additional information is available here.
Updated Data Sources in This Release
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Q4 2009 (BLS). This dataset forms the basis for our private-sector covered employment.
Current Employment Statistics, January-June 2010 (BLS). This dataset helps us form an estimate of 2010 job numbers, since 2010 QCEW is not yet available.
County Business Patterns, 2008 (Census). This dataset primarily helps us fill in the gaps found in QCEW as well as distributing proprietor employment to detailed industry codes.
Nonemployer Statistics, 2008 (Census). This dataset helps us distribute total proprietor jobs to detailed industry codes.
State Projections. We have now incorporated more recent (in most case 2008-18) published projections from Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
Methodology Changes
Improved estimates for ZIP code demographics
Railroad job estimates are now available for the independent cities in Virginia; previously EMSI did not make railroad estimates for these county-equivalents.
Questions? Contact Us
If you have any questions or feedback about the new data, please contact Customer Solutions at (866) 999-3674 or via the online chat feature within Analyst.