Emsi Skills Relaunch: A Common Language for People, Education, and Work

Published on Mar 5, 2020

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

Emsi Skills Relaunch: A Common Language for People, Education, and Work

Emsi is pleased to tell you about an updated version of Emsi Skills, a site created late in 2019 dedicated to helping organizations access and apply hard-to-use skills data. Our goal with Emsi Skills is to create a common language between:

    • People looking for the right work,

    • Educators looking to align curriculum with labor market realities, and

    • Businesses looking for people with the right skills.

The new site features a video (seen here), an updated “About” page, more description about what we are doing, and links to additional ways that skills can be applied within higher education, workforce/economic development, and the world of HR.

The response so far has been immense. Hundreds of organizations have now downloaded the library and have begun to use our tagging. We are super glad for this and want it to continue!

Much of this has been a result of the fact that we created an open library of over 30,000 skills taken from a massive database of job postings and professional profiles/resumes. We have also built a number of working prototypes that show how organizations can use our library to tag documents like job postings, resumes, and curriculum with our skills.

Two Calls to Action

So, what should you do?

Check out our new report, “Using Skills to Strengthen Regions.” To learn more about Emsi Skills, contact Rob Sentz: rob@economicmodeling.com