All twelve missions in the Government’s Levelling Up agenda are underpinned by a strong focus on data. Use of good data can help with understanding the scale of the levelling up challenge different places face on different metrics, and it can also help identify how to tackle these challenges and track change over time.
Labour Market Insights (LMI) can provide valuable information into the economic outlook of different areas, supporting places as they address the following levelling up missions in particular:
Living standards: By 2030, pay, employment and productivity will have risen in every area of the UK, with each containing a globally competitive city, and the gap between the top performing and other areas closing.
Skills: By 2030, the number of people successfully completing high-quality skills training will have significantly increased in every area of the UK. […]
To show you how data can help bring clarity to these issues, we’ve launched a report that aims to cast some light on the challenges and potential responses involved in levelling up different areas. Using data for England, the report uses a number of metrics to help answer the following key questions:
What is the balance between high skilled jobs and high skilled people?
How has the labour market performed over the past decade?
What does recent recruitment activity for high-skilled jobs look like?
How has economic complexity changed over time?
Which skills are key to successfully levelling up an area’s economy?
Excitingly, alongside the main report, we’ve also produced spin-off reports for every Local Authority and LEP region in England, each of which contains in-depth data for that area. To download your copy of the national report, and request a copy for your local area, visit our dedicated landing page here.