Most colleges and universities understand the importance of leveraging labor market data to inform program planning decisions—but it can be hard to know where to start.
Who else is offering this type of program? What is the job outlook for associated careers? What competencies should we emphasize in our curriculum?
That’s why we’ve created the Program Development and Review report—now live in Analyst. It’s a step-by-step workflow to help your institution ask the right questions, find relevant data, and make evidence-based decisions about what programs to offer.
Explore below:
Two-minute overview of the report
Outline of the five-step workflow that builds the report
Webinar recording with a detailed demo, including practical examples for applying labor market data to your program development and review process
Workflow Outline
The report walks you through five fundamental steps:
First, define your program. Quickly see your completions data for existing programs and identify new, hard-to-categorize programs with a dynamic occupation-to-program search.
Define your competitive landscape by choosing what kind of peer institutions and programs you want to consider. This part of the report provides you with a robust look at other institutions offering the same or similar programs which could be meeting similar needs in the labor market.
Assess labor market demand by identifying your programs’ target occupations. If needed, you can search for keywords or skills and Analyst helps you find relevant occupations. The report then provides key labor market metrics including job posting activity, occupational trends and projections, earnings, and demographics related to your program.
Consider relevant skills. This section of the report drills down to identify in-demand skills appearing in job postings, and how prevalent those skills are in the current workforce. It includes information on hard skills, common skills, and certifications, like CPA or CNA.
Export your report. You can easily customize your title, choose your format, and download the report for sharing or further analysis.
If you have questions about Analyst or would like to explore using Emsi Burning Glass data at your college or university, please let us know!