Webinar: Getting Career Info On College Websites – Jan. 17

Published on Jan 10, 2012

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

image of Lightcast gradiant

On January 17 at 2:00 (Eastern) EMSI will host another webinar on the importance of displaying good, local career information on your college’s website.

Please contact Charlene Scheibe (cscheibe@economicmodeling.com) to sign up. Space is limited.


Does your college’s website help students understand how your programs prepare them for careers? Students say that their ability to find quality information on a college website is key to their decision to enroll. And with so much interest in, and scrutiny on, jobs and the economy – students want to know exactly how the education and training colleges provide leads to good jobs.

EMSI will discuss:

1)     How to display this good, local career information on a college’s website.

2)     How to make sure that your current and potential students can access, understand, and use this data to make smarter enrollment decisions.

Here are some of the questions we’ll answer:

  • What data should students consider?

  • Where does the data come from?

  • How can you get it on your website?

  • How can we associate careers with your education and training programs?

  • How can this data support outreach and marketing?

If you have questions, please call 208.883.3500.