Build (Don't Buy)

A Skills-Based Strategy to Solve the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage

Companies in need of cybersecurity talent should re-skill existing employees rather than recruit outside their walls for talent that is already extremely hard to get.

This paper offers suggestions regarding the following:

1) Which candidates are ideal for reskilling?

2) Which skills should companies and regional training and workforce partners develop?

As the US addresses the cybersecurity talent shortage, everyone has a role to play:

CheckmarkEmployers should invest time and money in helping employees acquire cybersecurity microcredentials.
CheckmarkColleges, universities, and other training organizations can focus on the key skills needed at the local or regional level and help upskill the many working adults who might be looking for new employment, plus a generation of new grads hungry for good opportunity in a disrupted labor market.
CheckmarkRegions and cities have a vital role in addressing the crisis as they broker between local businesses and higher education to fill the talent gap. Such data will help them address specific regional needs.


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