
Five Cs for Success

How to Use Data Presentation

in Changing Economic Times

staffing white paper

Navigate the changing economic times with Ron Hetrick's Five Cs

The labor market is constantly changing. We have seen job openings soar into record levels and experienced labor shortages like never before. But the market’s pain can be staffing’s gain. The five Cs of understanding and presenting data can illuminate the best path through these complexities and give staffing companies the competitive advantage they demand.

The 5 Cs


Worker chart
Job postings trend
Wage Graph
Difficulty to fill
heart chat data

It’s a challenging time for the labor market and situations will continuously evolve. The five Cs of understanding and presenting data—making it clear, concise, contextual, comparative, and compassionate—can illuminate the best path through these complexities and give staffing companies the competitive advantage they demand.

Five C's Cover Image

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