WEBINAR | Wednesday August 14th

Enabling Learner Career Success by Leveraging LMI Across the Institution


Dr. Tana Hicks

Senior Director
Labor Market Intelligence Center
(Dallas College)

Lucas Rae

Account Executive

Michelle Rodriguez

Account Manager

Key Topics

  • Learn what recent survey data says about students’ priorities and motivations to pursue postsecondary education.

  • See how Dallas College is using labor market insight to design career-aligned programs, teach in-demand skills, and help students navigate college and career decisions.

  • Discover how Dallas College and Lightcast collaborated to quantify and demonstrate the college’s economic value to the Dallas-Ft. Worth region.

Career success is a key motivator for today’s college students, informing their choice of where (and whether) to enroll, what to study, and how satisfied they are with the education they receive.

In this webinar, we’ll explore why and how postsecondary institutions should respond to these trends by weaving labor market intelligence throughout the institution – ensuring it informs every aspect of operations, from program development and review to marketing and career advising.

Hear from Dr. Tana Hicks, Senior Director of the Labor Market Intelligence Center at Dallas College. Dr. Hicks will share how Dallas College is partnering with Lightcast to:

  • Design academic programs that align with high-growth, high-wage careers

  • Provide prospective and current students with labor market insight specific to the Dallas-Ft. Worth region

  • Ensure courses and programs teach the in-demand skills employers value most

  • Demonstrate and quantify the positive impact Dallas College has on the regional economy

Join us to see how aligning institutional strategy around career success can benefit students and strengthen your institution's role in the ever-evolving labor market.