Two opposite complaints are often made about Labour Market Data. One is when it’s too broad to be meaningful. The other is when it’s too complex to make sense of. Our aim is to avoid these pitfalls by offering our customers data that is both genuinely enriching but undeniably simple. This is why we’ve created two genuinely ground-breaking taxonomies, which seek to bring both detail and clarity to the world of occupations and skills. The Lightcast Occupation Taxonomy organises occupations from 27 broad career areas to 1,900 specialised occupations, whilst Lightcast Skills Categories groups the 32,000+ skills in our Open Skills Library into a hierarchy that makes it easy to understand how skills relate to one another. These taxonomies really do have the potential to change the way we understand the labour market so here we explain more about what these taxonomies are, how we’ve created them, and how they can be deployed to help you better understand the fast-changing nature of the labour market. Will Cookson, Account Director, Lightcast will be joined by our in house technical expert Hal Bonella – Taxonomy Product Manager at Lightcast who has been leading on these exciting new developments.
Thursday May 4th - 1:00 PM (UTC)