Wednesday February 28th - 10:00 AM (UTC)

The Complete Growth Toolkit for Local Authorities


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With the cutting of support for LEPs coming in April 2024, Local Authorities have been tasked with providing many of their core functions. Regional economic plans are a major part of this, with the objective being to support local decision-making around economic opportunities, labour market challenges, and investment priorities over the next 10 years. The Data City and Lightcast are partnering to support Local Authorities in these vital functions by providing a Complete Growth Toolkit. These will give you the means to:

  • Analyse local investment opportunities and support growth

  • Gain a comprehensive jobs and skills overview in your area

  • Shine a spotlight on inclusivity within your region

In this webinar, The Data City’s Co-Founder and CEO, Alex Craven, and Lightcast’s Account Director of Communities and Government, Will Cookson, take you through the Complete Growth Toolkit and how it can help your organisation as it takes up the gauntlet of strategic regional economic planning.