Why focus on a Skills-Driven Workforce Transformation?

Because skills and jobs are changing more dramatically than ever.

guys looking a laptop with skills blocks

A New Paradigm

Skills-Driven Workforce Transformation can completely revamp how your workforce data is created, maintained and developed, so that your job architecture is mapped to the skills-based realities of the modern labour market.

It's a new paradigm for unlocking opportunities in your workforce planning and talent strategy, by basing your workforce data not on one-dimensional qualifications or outdated job titles, but rather on the fast-changing skills dynamics of today's and tomorrow's labour market.

young businesswoman skills blocks

Why Should Your Company do it?

37% of the top 20 skills requested by employers have changed over the past five years.

Transforming your workforce data and organisational design to a skills-based foundation is the only way to ensure your workforce planning and talent strategy have the agility needed to respond and adapt successfully to these changes, and to stay ahead of your market and competitors. It will unlock your workforce potential and provide a basis for cost-saving and profit-making workforce investments.

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Why Embark on Skills-Driven Workforce Transformation?

Create Greater ROI With Skills Driven Workforce Transformation

The Return on Investment (ROI) opportunities the skills-driven approach gives are numerous, with some of the most impactful in terms of planning, deployment strategies, and talent acquisition including:

    Creating self-evolving, dynamic, job architectures

    Developing a holistic view of the needs of your workforce

    Benchmarking skills profiles against your competitors

    Making better, more informed hiring decisions

    Optimising succession planning for key personnel

Case Study: Learning & Development


man and woman working
two woman working
people working
man showing another man a chart skills blocks

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