Lightcast Insider

Disruptive Skills Matrix

Identify the skills that are critical for your organization’s future success.


The Disruptive Skills Matrix gives a high-level view of the projected change in demand and cost of skills over the next two years to empower your workforce planning.

With this tool you can:

CheckmarkSee the top growing skills in your industry
CheckmarkSee the salary premium for those skills
CheckmarkBegin planning for your organization's future skill needs

Lightcast skills data is predictive.

With the future of work always changing, you need to be able to anticipate what’s next. 

A custom Lightcast Disruptive Skills Matrix will help organizations like yours understand the skills landscape for your critical roles in order to predict and plan your next move.

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This is a high-level sample of Lightcast data in action.

Connect with our consulting experts to get data tailored to your needs.

With detailed skills data, you can optimize job descriptions, address skills gaps, build an L&D strategy, and more.

Quadrant Descriptions


Low cost to hire
Moderate need for new training programs
Moderate risk to future productivity


Low cost to hire
Weak need for new training programs
Low risk to future productivity


High cost to hire
Strong need for new training programs
High risk to future productivity


High cost to hire
Moderate need for new training programs
Moderate risk to future productivity

Skills Types

Lightcast offers an open-source library of 32,000+ skills gathered from hundreds of millions of online job postings, profiles, and resumes.

Axis Metrics

To measure the evolution of skill requirements in the labor market, Lightcast has developed a robust and dynamic skills taxonomy based on its analysis of hundreds of millions of online job postings, resumes, and social profiles.

Skill Value

The difference in market salary for a role with and without a given skill requirement expressed as a percentile (e.g., for a skill in the 50th percentile, half of all skills command a lower salary premium).

Projected Growth

This metric forecasts two-year skills growth, identifying skills that are growing or declining compared to other skills.

Learn more about Lightcast data.

Schedule a time to connect with a member of our team. We'd love to show you how Lightcast can help you make informed decisions.

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