Economy Insight

A simple, interactive dashboard to help you understand the trends, priorities and opportunities in your local labour market.
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What is Economy Insight?

Organisations are facing pressure to provide solid evidence for decisions they take on which sectors to prioritise, particularly in the light of economic uncertainty and the Skills for Jobs and Levelling Up agendas. To help you with this, we’ve developed Economy Insight – an interactive dashboard using Labour Market Insight and Job Posting Analytics to give a window on your local economy, including its industry mix, which jobs are in-demand, and how your economy compares with other areas.

image of local economy screen

How Can Economy Insight Help You?

The dashboard gives you a solid evidence-base upon which to shape your strategy, confirm your priorities, and interact with stakeholders. Without any need for a team of experts to collate, analyse and disseminate the relevant data, Economy Insight enables you to:

Track Recovery

Understand how well your area is recovering from disruption and how it compares to other local economies.

Validate Priorities

Evaluate which sectors give your area its best opportunities for growth, so you can prioritise them for investment.

Evidence Decisions

Ensure that your strategic priorites and interventions are based on solid evidence evidence for your labour market.

See Economy Insight For Yourself