Give Your Students a Career Vision With Career Coach
One Tool - Many Uses - Across Your Institution
About Career Coach
Career Coach is Lightcast's flagship careers insights tool, used by more than XXX education and training providers across the globe to help students and prospective students better understand the demand for the careers they are interested in, and how the education provided by the institution can get them there. Available as a ready-made portal, API, or customisable widget, there's a Career Coach solution for every use case.
How does it work?
Career Coach connects an institution's courses or programmes to localised labour market insights, giving a powerful, interactive way to engage both students and prospective students with data-driven guidance about the careers they're interested in, so they can make better, more informed decisions.
Check out the 2-minute demo video to find out more.
What do you get?
Career Coach is available in three basic versions: A Portal which can be incorporated into your website; an API allowing you to pump insights into pages across your website; and a Plugin enabling you to create widgets throughout your website. Check out the summary below for more details of what each version can offer you:
✓ Local data on jobs and skills
✓ Careers assessment
✓ CV builder
✓ Live job postings
✓ Portal for employers to advertise jobs
✓ Local Jobs and skills data across your site
✓ Careers data fully linked to your courses
✓ Local career insights for each subject area
✓ Seamless integration into your branding
✓ A powerful way to inspire people
✓ An eye-catching way to promote courses
✓ Highly customisable and quick to create
✓ Require no technical expertise
✓ Easy to embed across your site
✓ Simple to incorporate into your VLE
5 Use Cases
Our customers are using Career Coach and its insights in a number of different ways to help achieve their mission. Below are 5 of the most common ways the platform is used by colleges and universities. If you'd like to talk about how you can bring these benefits into your institution, get in touch.
Recruiting Students
If you can give prospective students more insights on the types of careers that are suitable for them - including details on employer demand, salary expectations, and jobs requiring similar skills - and then connect this to the courses you offer, you'll have a powerful way of engaging them with how your institution can help them get onto a successful career pathway.
Check out this case study of Weston College, which has seen a significant increase in its engagement and recruitment rates after embedding Career Coach into its website.
Marketing Courses
Young people often lack insights into the career pathways open to them, and so struggle to find their ideal course. By embedding data from the Career Coach API into your website, you can enable candidates to explore a wealth of labour market insights on the careers and career pathways that interest them, linked to related courses.
Check out the UCAS careers page to see how they have embedded Lightcast data into their Careers website to show potential students their path to career success.
Driving Engagement
Marketing departments in colleges and universities are always looking for good content to share on social media to engage their cohort. By using Career Coach to generate insights on labour market trends and demand related to particular courses, institutions can engage both prospective and current students on the careers and key topics that really matter to them.
Check out how Heart of Worcestershire College have used insights from Career Coach in their social media and open days in genuinely innovative ways.
Improving CAG
Navigating career paths can be incredibly challenging for students, and they are looking for you to make their transition into the workforce a little easier. Students can use Career Coach to understand the skills they are learning in their courses - and how those match employer needs. Plus, Career Coach can be used to support career guidance sessions and events.
Check out how Weston College has fully embedded the tool from induction to orientation stages, leading to greater confidence among students about their next steps.
Verifying Excellence
Labour Market Insight can play a key part in the regulatory environment of both Further and Higher Education, with the provision of high-quality, impartial careers guidance being a fundamental pillar of the Ofsted Inspection Framework for FE, and achieving positive employability outcomes for students a key part of the Teaching Excellence Framework for HE.
Find out how the UK's third lagest Further Education group - Capital City College Group - has used Lightcast data to provide solid evidence and specific information to inspectors.