The California-based Centers of Excellence has released a new study entitled “Understanding the Green Economy: A Community College Perspective.” A lot of work has gone into this study, and the paper delivers on some pretty serious goals:
To provide definitions for green jobs and green firms to allow for consistent use and understanding
Illustrate various scenarios for how green is affecting the workforce
Demonstrate the green subsectors, traditional occupations and sectors, and emerging occupations and sectors
Provide a framework for additional study to help colleges respond to this new green reality
The CoE has consistently put together solid analysis on a large variety of subjects related to industry-sector analysis from a community college’s perspective, but this report deserves special praise for tackling a subject that resists easy definitions and simple answers. In addition, the COE did some nice mapping of green economy occupations to training programs (in TOP and CIP codes). The mapping links over 90 occupations (defined by SOC and O*NET-SOC codes) to more than 150 training programs. If you would like some help doing the same thing — let us know.
>>Click here to access the report