EMSI/CCbenefits will be in the U.K. on September 10th to conduct its first-ever data input seminar for the U.K. version of its flagship Socioeconomic Impact (SEIM) study for colleges. Also presenting was Ms. Rachel Jones, Vice Principal of Warwickshire College, which participated in the initial pilot phase of the U.K. SEIM study.
King’s College in London hosted the seminar to launch the second phase of the pilot SEIM study for Further Education (FE) colleges in the U.K. More than 15 different FE colleges from across the UK were represented, and EMSI/CCbenefits expects a total of some 30 colleges to order the SEIM before the end of the year. The purpose of the seminar was to introduce the SEIM Starter Kit to participating colleges and provide context and explanation for the data requested.
The EMSI/CCbenefits SEIM study is a unique college impact study that measures the cost/benefit and return on investment of higher education from the perspectives of both taxpayers and the general public. About 800 SEIM studies have been conducted for community and technical colleges in the U.S. and Canada.