Identifying how skills transfer from one job to another can be a difficult task. As a workforce development professional, you are encountering clients who want a change of career—possibly a stay-at-home parent wanting to rejoin the workforce or someone seeking help from a company-wide layoff.
Individuals, and companies, often need assistance in identifying where skills best line up within the workforce.
Luckily Emsi has an easy-to-use report that can help you identify transferable skills to guide jobseekers on available jobs, training opportunities, and their pathway to a lasting career.
Tips and tricks from our workforce development specialist, Jason George:
We recommend using job openings with 10 jobs or more to make sure you’re focusing on industries that are viable.
Set your timeline for five years in the future to get a good view of your planning term and to smooth out any spikes or valleys that may occur.
OJT (on-the-job training) contracts have to be justified through gaps in knowledge, skills, and abilities. You can align the knowledge and skills they have with the job description requirements to determine the amount of training needed. These reports are exportable so you can share how you are training jobseekers to align to a business need.
Jason George
Jason George began his career at Emsi in November 2016. He specializes in workforce development and labor market data analysis, and is a subject matter expert in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA). Prior to joining Emsi, he spent over 10 years as a workforce development professional providing oversight, coordination, and technical assistance for business services. He also spent seven years as an Authorized ACT Job Profiler. He is a certified Emsi user, a G*Stars administrator, and a Certified Workforce Development Professional (CWDP).
If you have any questions on how to identify transferable skills, please contact us.