Trending Tech Tuesday: Jupyter

Published on Nov 6, 2018

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

Trending Tech Tuesday: Jupyter

Welcome to the 15th installment of Trending Tech Tuesday, our weekly look at the trending tech skills in Emsi’s job postings data. Last week, we talked about the open-source build automation tool Gradle. Today, we’ll talk about Jupyter Notebook.

12-month growth rate in job postings for Jupyter Notebook: 184%

What is Jupyter Notebook?

Jupyter Notebook is a free and open-source tool that allows users to share code, outputs from code (i.e. visualizations), and other elements all in the same document. It supports various languages and big data tools, making it a top choice for collaboration on data science projects. From

“Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.”

Figure 1. Jobs Requiring Jupyter Over Time (Oct. 2017 to Sept. 2018)

Jupyter skills gap: 1,045 people

Now, let’s look at the Jupyter skills gap. During the last 12 months, we found 1,961 job postings requiring Jupyter. But only 916 professionals currently listed Jupyter as a skill on their professional profile or resume. That means over the last year, there have been 1,045 more jobs requiring Jupyter than there are professionals with the skill.

Figure 2. Top Jobs Requiring Jupyter (Oct. 2017 to Sept. 2018)

The table below shows the in-demand skills around Jupyter from job postings side-by-side with the actual skills of people currently employed with the skill Jupyter on their profile. This data is available in Analyst, where we’ve combined our job posting data with detailed employment data from over 106 million professional profiles.

Figure 3. Skills Occurring Around Jupyter (Oct. 2017 to Sept. 2018)

Market demand for developers continues to rise, and we expect that trend to continue. Within that broader trend, expect to see more jobs for Jupyter. Check back next Tuesday to learn about the next trending tech skill!

Emsi is a labor market analytics firm that continuously searches millions of job postings across the web. If you have questions about Emsi or our data, contact Aaron Olanie at