Trending Tech Tuesday: Pytorch

Published on Sep 11, 2018

Updated on Nov 3, 2022

Written by Emsi Burning Glass

Trending Tech Tuesday: Pytorch

Emsi is a labor market analytics firm that continuously searches millions of job postings across the web. This is the seventh installment of a trending tech series in which I am sharing tech skills that are trending in Emsi’s job postings data. In case you missed it, here is last week’s post on Prometheus.

12-month growth rate in unique postings for Pytorch: 307%

What is Pytorch? Pytorch is an open-source deep learning platform developed by Facebook. It’s a Python implementation of the Torch framework (hence the name). Two weeks ago, I discussed the deep learning framework Tensorflow. Here is a good article explaining the differences.

Figure 1. Jobs Requiring Pytorch Over Time

Figure 2. Top Jobs Requiring Pytorch (August 2017 to Date)

The table below shows the in-demand skills around Pytorch from job postings side-by-side with the actual skills of people currently employed with the skill Pytorch on their profile. This data is available in Analyst, where we’ve combined our job posting data with detailed employment data from over 106 million professional profiles.

Figure 3. Skills Occurring Around Pytorch (August 2017 to Date)

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