Do your graduates have work opportunities waiting for them post-graduation?
As students consider which program to enroll in, they want to know they’ve picked one that will give them valuable skills and lead to high-wage, in-demand jobs.
That’s why it’s important for educators to begin with the end in mind when reviewing existing programs or developing new ones. Aligning programs with target occupations that are projected to grow in your region can help you offer students a high-ROI education that equips them to accomplish their career goals.
Identifying in-demand occupations in Analyst
To help you achieve this alignment, Emsi’s Analyst tool includes the Occupations Table. This customizable report provides critical data points on occupations in your region, including job count, growth, earnings, and more.
In the video below, we’ll show you how to make the most of the Occupation Table with data points to focus on, filters to use, and tips on how to analyze your results for actionable insight. You can also download the step-by-step downloadable guide for future reference.