Create and maintain academic programs

that align with industry needs and students' career goals

Students studying together with a book open.

Why does program-to-market alignment matter?

It’s no secret that today’s learners expect their educational investment to equip them for career success. That’s why aligning programs with market demand is critical to delivering value for students. Whether you’re updating an existing program, launching a new degree, or developing your first microcredential, connecting course content to career pathways and in-demand skills can lead to growing enrollment, increased retention, and better career outcomes for graduates.

Program review

CheckmarkDo peer institutions offer similar programs already?
CheckmarkWhat are the growth trends for industries and occupations related to this program?
CheckmarkWho are the top employers in the region that would hire our graduates?
CheckmarkWhat skills are most in-demand and what are the skill gaps that our program could help fill?

Get the insight you need to create & maintain successful academic programs

Lightcast’s data and analysis helps you understand your environment:

• Completions at peer institutions

• Growing industries

• Demographic trends

• Top employers

• In-demand skills

• Much more!

With this insight, you can align your programs with real needs and opportunities in your region, preparing students (and your institution) for long-term success.


What do I need to know for program review & development?


Program review dashboard in Analyst
Occupation growth chart in Analyst
Top employers and job titles for program review
Top in-demand skills for marketing for program review.
Career pathways for program review and development.

Lightcast is helping colleges, universities, and ed tech providers understand the economy

icon of a college
A public university in the Southeast

East Carolina University (ECU) used a comprehensive environmental scan to prioritize program growth and marketing investment that aligns with market demand, and supports the university’s fiscal sustainability and enrollment goals.

Read ECU's story
icon of books
A community college in the Midwest

Waubonsee Community College combined hard data on employer demandoccupation growth, and wages with qualitative information to anticipate local needs and develop high-impact programs.

Read Waubonsee's story
icon of a location pin
An alternative education non-profit

Per Scholas uses labor market data to pinpoint which communities to impact: cities where they can best connect underrepresented individuals to careers in tech, where there is a market strong enough for their footprint, and where they add value to the community.

Read Per Scholas' story

See the challenges and opportunities your programs face

Get a free sample report, specific to your region and program

Drive enrollment growth and student success with skill-rich credentials and degrees.

Institutions that align with learners’ career goals and skill gaps are better positioned to attract and serve those learners. Lightcast skills data and labor market insight makes it easier to improve, validate, and demonstrate that alignment.

Learn more about the signficance of skills for higher education.

Get the insight you need for program development and review

icon of a computer monitor with a check mark on it
Identify skill gaps

Compare the supply and demand of specific skills within your labor market, based on employer job postings and working professionals' online profiles.

location pin icon
Assess the competitive landscape

Quickly research which institions offer similar programs and see how your institution compares as a talent provider for regional employers.

icon of paper and pencil
Evaluate program-to-market alignment and gaps

Discover unmet educational needs in your region and spot opportunities for growth with a program demand gap analysis.

icon of an academic building
Strengthen industry partnerships

Get real-time insight into hiring trends and skill demand at key employers, as well as insight into your alumni's career pathways.

Learn more about data-driven program development and review

Schedule a time to talk with a member of our team. We'd love to show you how Lightcast can help you make informed program portfolio decisions.

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