The Labour Market Observatory
An interactive dashboard offering powerful labour market insights at regional, provincial or municipal levels.

What is the Labour Market Observatory?
The Labour Market Observatory enables organisations to showcase detailed insights about the top jobs, growth industries, and emerging skills in their region, province or municipality - all in one highly interactive dashboard.
What does it give you?
The Labour Market Observatory offers you the ability to extract and analyse granular data about current and projected demand in the labour market in your region, province, or municipality. Here are just some of the questions you'll be able to get answers to for your focus labour market.

✓ Which are your area's sector strengths?
✓ What is the job demand for each industry?
✓ Which sectors are seeing the most growth?
✓ Which skills are in-demand in each sector?

✓ Which job roles are most prominent?
✓ What are your area's top occupations?
✓ Which jobs are growing the most?
✓ How does this impact education & training?
✓ Which skills are currently in-demand?
✓ What skills are essential for success?
✓ Which skills are growing or declining?
✓ What skills are required for specific jobs?
5 major use cases
Here are five ways our clients are using the Labour Market Observatory, each of which could be achieved by your organisation for your area:

Understand the trends that are driving employment and current employer demand in your local economy.
Identify the industries in your area that are strongest and those with the best opportunities for growth.
Direct people in your community towards available jobs and the skills needed to perform them.
Enable local education providers to understand business needs so they can better align their provision.
Connect employers, education providers, and local government, through a common language of data.

"Lightcast's highly detailed, real-time data enables institutions to have full knowledge of their labour market and how it affects business growth and economic development - equipping them with the relevant insights to make the right decisions not just for businesses, but for their local communities."
Supporting the Lombardia Region
Assolombarda covers the provinces of Milan, Lodi, Monza, and Brianza, Pavia, representing the interests of almost 7,000 companies of all sizes and across all sectors. Find out how organisation has been using a customised version of the Italian Labour Market Observatory since 2013 to enrich the support it provides to local businesses in a number of different ways.

"Lightcast allows us to offer a detailed picture of the labour market demand in our area, which is much more reliable than the results of a survey and without the burden of compilation that a survey entails."
Different versions for different needs.
We can offer you two versions of the Labour Market Observatory, depending on your budget and needs. Either a standard dashboard for organisations looking to get headline data from national down to provincial level, or a highly customised version for those looking for much more detailed data down to municipal level. For highly specific labour market questions, we also offer the option of bespoke research and consultancy services.

✓ Headline data looking at employer demand for occupations and skills across the entire Italian labour market.
✓ The ability to drill down below the national level, in order to explore the same sort of data at the regional and provincial level.
✓ A whole year's worth of data, with the ability to filter it to look at either the last 3, 6, or 12-months.

✓ Detailed data looking at employer demand for jobs and skills in your region or province, down to municipal level.
✓ Up to 5 year's worth of data, with a time-series slider enabling you to look at any time-frames within those years.
✓ The ability to compare job demand and skills insights across different geographies, right down to the municipalities in your area.
Get a demo of the Labour Market Observatory
Fill in the form and we'll get back to arange a time to walk you through the tool.