More than ever, students count on a college education to lead to a worthwhile career. The economy is uncertain. The spectre of student debt looms large. Students want to know: Will college be worth the cost? Will college help me find a good job?
For colleges and universities, career outcomes matter. To successfully attract students, the more you can show how your graduates move on to fulfilling jobs, the better. (And, of course, you’ll need to deliver exceptional career readiness opportunities as well.)
Stand out by making clear-cut connections between your academic programs and students’ future careers.
Introducing an easy way to connect your academic programs with students’ future careers
Widget Builder is a tool to help you display career outcomes data on your website, in an easy and configurable way.
By displaying real-time career data that corresponds with your academic programs, you’ll equip prospective and current students alike to chart their course from education to career.
Prospective students will have confidence in their enrollment decision with greater insight into post-graduation possibilities
Current students will be better equipped to navigate their academic journey toward career readiness
Faculty and staff will have real-time information to guide students toward majors that align with their career interests
Policymakers and the public will see how your institution leads to tangible career options
How does Widget Builder work?
Traditional ways to display career information fall on a spectrum from elaborate to impoverished.
One option is building out a custom visual display from scratch, using data provided by one of our APIs. You’ll need to involve web developers, and set aside time for design and development. The results are powerful, but the process may be resource-intensive.
Alternatively, you could task one of your staffers to search by hand, taking hours to source data, compile it, and make website updates—that are instantly out of date.
Or worse, no career data at all. These days, that’s simply not an option.
That’s why we created Widget Builder to be customizable, user-friendly, and polished. You can confidently deploy career data on your website, whenever and wherever you want.
Using Widget Builder is easy
Select academic programs to highlight, then toggle on or off specific career data points. Edit header text, and set a custom color palette. Preview the final product while you make changes.
Copy the auto-generated embed code, and paste into your website content editor.
View the customized career widget on your website.
What’s included?
Simple visual interface, so you can deploy the career data you need without a web developer
If you have basic web editing experience, you can deploy a customized widget anytime you want.
Curated, career-specific data allows you to select what’s most relevant
Setup is essentially “grab and go.” Choose the data you want from a tailored menu of the most in-demand career information.
Back-end analytics help you evaluate effectiveness
Once the widget is installed on your website, you’ll be able to see total views, clicks, and referrals to your Career Coach site, if you have one. Career Coach is not required to use Widget Builder.
Custom-matched career photos for a polished appearance
Create a professional-grade web display with a unique illustration for each career option, without having to pay for licensing fees or access to stock photography.
In conclusion
Lightcast is a leading provider of labor-market analytics for higher education. With our classic student-facing career exploration tool, Career Coach, we’ve given hundreds of colleges a way to connect students with the world of work.
Now, Widget Builder provides a way to display the same robust career data on your website—with or without a Career Coach subscription.
Career data that’s customized. Relevant. Always up to date.
Sound like what you need? Let’s chat!
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