Shaping Educational Experiences Across the Learner Lifecycle

by Leveraging Labor Market Information

Published on Jun 15, 2023

Written by Lightcast

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Presentation Summary

In today's rapidly evolving job market, labor market information has become an important tool for maintaining alignment between academic programs and the career outcomes learners hope to achieve. But too often, this tool gets siloed into just one team or department. When this happens, it prevents the widespread adoption and integration needed to deliver a seamless, career-aligned learning experience for students.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how labor market information can be deployed across the full learner lifecycle, from recruitment and enrollment to tracking alumni career pathways, and everywhere in between — delivering maximum value for learners and institutions alike.

Join us to hear from experienced higher education researcher and Lightcast VP of Education Success, Dr. John Barnshaw. You’ll learn how to apply labor market information in mission critical areas, including how to:

  • Create and improve academic programs that align with high-growth careers, and student interest

  • Grow enrollment by helping prospective students discover how your programs align with career opportunities

  • Retain and support current students by helping them connect classroom learning to their professional goals

  • Track alumni’s employment pathways to demonstrate program effectiveness and drive employer engagement

  • Demonstrate the value your institution provides to the broader community through your economic impact, social benefits, and ROI for students.

About the speaker:

John Barnshaw is the Vice President for Education Success at Lightcast, global leader in labor market insights. Prior to joining Lightcast, John served as Vice President for Research and Data Science at Ad Astra, a leader in course scheduling analytics. John also served as Director of Research and Public Policy at the American Association of University Professors, where he directed the Faculty Compensation Survey, the largest survey of faculty salary and benefits in higher education. Dr. Barnshaw also directed the National Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity (Delaware Cost Study), a longitudinal benchmarking that explores faculty teaching, separately budgeted research and public service expenditures at the discipline level for four-year institutions. Barnshaw earned his degrees from the University of Delaware (Ph.D.) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (MA, BA).

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