3 Things You'll Take Away from Lightcast Connect 2023

Published on Aug 21, 2023

Written by Lightcast

Lightcast Connect 2023 is your chance to navigate the labor market with confidence and precision. This October 23-25 at The Coeur d’Alene Resort in Idaho, we’re bringing together leaders from the highest levels of education, business, and communities to create a labor market that works for everyone. 

Joining us this fall presents countless opportunities to recharge, expand your expertise, and grow your network. Here are the top three things you’ll take away from Lightcast Connect

1. New Connections Inside and Outside Your Industry

At Lightcast Connect, we’re bringing together top experts leading communities, businesses, and education institutions—all united by the same goals. All of us want to connect the right people with the right jobs, but none of us can do it alone. Regions want to stay competitive, attract new businesses, and make sure local students can find good jobs without moving away. Education institutions want to give learners the best chance to succeed by understanding what’s needed in their industry and in their area, and businesses need to stay ahead of the competition and find every possible advantage to succeed in a fast-changing labor market, from hiring to location planning and everything in between.

By bringing together each of these elements at Lightcast Connect, we’re creating a space where each can learn from the others. Not only will you have the chance to talk to and hear from professionals facing the same issues you are, but you’ll also hear how others are facing those same challenges from the other side, and learn how they use data to drive their decisions. 

We chose each of our conference tracks—skills, AI, and the future of work—because they apply to everyone involved with the labor market at any level. Being in the same room together gives everyone a chance to see the world of work from a new perspective, and you’ll go home having made new connections both in your field and beyond it.

2. Strategies For Right Now

At Lightcast, our mission is to unlock new possibilities in the labor market. So as much as we care about refining the best data and understanding the big picture of the labor economy, what really matters is delivering actual solutions, helping real people, and enabling decisions you can deploy as soon as possible. Lightcast Connect ends on a Wednesday, and our goal is that you can present new solutions to your team on Thursday.

That’s an ambitious goal, but we’ve gathered the right people to make it happen. In our keynotes and breakouts, you’ll hear from industry leaders transforming the way we hire, train, and skill people with headliners from Nike, Microsoft, The Josh Bersin Group, the National Governors’ Association, Stanford University, and the College Board. These experts have been in your same shoes, and they’ve also found the way forward. Even in a dynamic market that can be hard to navigate, data-based solutions give us a map to see where we are and where we’re going. 

There’s no shortage of ideas and speculation available on AI, skills, and the future of work, but when clients, students, and stakeholders are looking for answers on these topics, they need something reliable. At Lightcast Connect, we won’t have sponsor booths or unhelpful guesswork; you’ll hear grounded analysis and data-driven strategies that give you the tools and ideas you need to succeed right away. 

3. Perspective to Lead the Conversation

The labor market is changing faster than conventional wisdom can keep up. The future of work can feel uncertain, but planning ahead can put you ahead of the curve. Skills are the base unit of the labor market, reducing miscommunication and increasing efficiency, and they give you a shared language to speak clearly throughout your industry and across others. AI is on track to revolutionize the entire economy, and we’ll talk about how to recognize and apply AI solutions in a way that’s ethical and reliable, so you can trust the way forward in an uncertain future.

Our expert team of Lightcast economists will speak on how we know these are the topics that are making a difference, and they’ll also provide a framework that shows you how to think about them, no matter where the world of work goes from here. And with time to connect with professionals from Fortune 500 companies, top learning institutions, and governments of all sizes over coffee or cocktails, you’ll be ready with new ideas and new connections that will help you and your organization continue to grow better.

AI, skills, and the future of work are topics that matter now, and they’ll only matter more in the coming months and years. Staying informed, with reliable data and big-picture thinking, puts you in the position to lead the conversation as the expert in the room. In a labor market where the only constant is change, the best way to predict the future is to create it, and at Lightcast Connect, we provide you with the insights and tools to do just that. 

We can’t wait to see you there!