Student Retention and Support

Clear outcomes motivate students. Motivated students persist and graduate.

Give learners the vision they need to stay enrolled and successfully transition from college to career.

happy grad no design overlay

Retaining And Supporting Current Students

When students have a career vision, they’re more likely to complete their program of study on time and succeed in their careers. Using labor market data, you can show them that future, motivating them to complete an education that sets them up for life-long success.

You know your students have incredible potential—what matters is that they can see it for themselves. With data-driven tools that show how the skills they're learning now match up with their future careers, you can remove guesswork from their journey.

Whether for undergrads just starting out in the labor market, adult learners returning to school for a specific career outcome, or anyone in between, labor market insight helps learners navigate through college, to career, with confidence and clarity.

Lightcast data provides a comprehensive view of growing industries, in-demand skills, and potential salaries. Our innovative approach bridges the gap between academia and the real world, ensuring that students' academic pursuits are aligned with tangible, promising opportunities.

Case Study

How Princeton University Used Lightcast Data to Demonstrate New Possibilities for The Graduate School

At Princeton, PhD and master’s degree programs ranging from Architecture and Economics to Plasma Physics and German all fall under the purview of The Graduate School. Traditionally, those programs have been designed to send students into academia—but what other options are out there?

“If there are limited numbers of faculty opportunities, then yes, our graduate students are going to be well-prepared to compete for those limited opportunities,” said Eva Kubu, Associate Dean for Graduate Student Professional Development at Princeton. "But future of work trends have considerably widened the aperture of opportunity for PhDs and can really broaden the impact of doctoral training beyond the tenure track. Graduate students are at the forefront of creating new knowledge and solutions to the world's greatest challenges. We’re making sure they are aware of the full range of possibilities where they can contribute their expertise."

Lightcast helps make it possible for The Graduate School to show students those possibilities.

princeton university's clio hall and also an event sponsored by the graduate school; two images stacked on top of one another

Featured solution: Career Coach

DB admin example from career coach

How does Career Coach work for your learners?


The Career Coach welcome page
The CC skills and interests inventory screens
Interest assessment and skills assessment results
Career insights from Career Coach about accountants
Finding a business admin HR program in Career Coach
Resume builder and work opportunities in Career Coach

“It’s amazing. I really don’t remember what I used before Career Coach. It would have been a lot of Googling that took forever.”

Loralee Bryant,


Pellissippi State community college
Applied Research

Moving Up and Moving Forward: Advancing Mobility for Adult Learners

Based on our analysis of over 125 million social profile records, we find that adults who return to higher education see a: 140% larger increase in average annual salary than those who do not go back to school — and their rate of upward mobility is 22% greater.

For many adults, returning to school delivers a significant return on investment, and the data backs this up. Which is good news because, when adult learners succeed, so does everyone else.

Adult Learners Featured Image

Wondering which solutions are right for your institution?

We'd love to walk through the tools with you, answer any questions you have, and explore how labor market insight can help your institution support and retain students of all backgrounds.